Met with Dr. today, got a prescription for Clomid 50mg.
We talked a lot about cervical incompetence and how we just really don’t know if that was the case or not with our loss in December, she’s leaning towards no. She agreed that we would keep an eye via u/s on my cervix and if there was any indication in the least bit that it was shortening we would go ahead with a cerclage.
The only thing I’m concerned about (ha! the only thing, yeah right!!) is that she wants me to continue with Prometrium, CD 14-27 even if I ovulate, etc… I’m worried that if I do get pregnant that stopping the extra progesterone at the end of the 2ww (or around 4 weeks gestation) that it could cause me to miscarry. She said no, but from what I’ve read it seems possible. A lot of things I’ve read seem to show that most women on progesterone stay on it for quite some time during their pregnancy, and I’m sure that it’s because their body doesn’t produce the right amount on their own maybe, but with me having cycles that were upwards of 70 days prior to starting the prometrium, and that now that I’m on it, I get AF about 4 days after stopping it (when the progesterone level obviously drops) I’m just worried that, that drop will cause me to miscarry. Then again though, if my body is producing enough (when I truly am pregnant) then it should be fine…. AHHHH!!! Can’t I just get a guarantee!!! Yeah… not so much.
So now we wait for AF and then on to clomid days 3-7, and then the “fun” begins. Wish me luck.
In other news, it’s 4 days away from our angels due date. I still feel like its December 22nd. I can’t believe this much time has gone by so fast.
Children: On death and dying
10 years ago
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